Aggregate and mining applications are the most demanding for filter plate presses. Heavy clays and super fine material can make most plate presses perform poorly with wet, soggy cakes and 1.5 hour cycle times that are especially hard on the components. The Oquamax filter plate press is designed specifically for these harsh applications. With our heavy duty frame construction, high pressure slurry pump technology that produces up to 270 psi, and our oversized hydraulic rams, you can count on dryer cakes, higher production, and faster cycle times. The Oquamax filter plate press has a production range of 0.1 TPH to 100 TPH. We offer a press for most applications and throughput requirements.



Sand & Gravel


The sand and gravel filter plate press is built extra heavy duty for the high clay applications. We can provide a machine in any plate size (400mm-2000mm) and plate stack (3-200). Capacities from 0.1 TPH to over 100 TPH.  



Concrete truck wash out filter plate press eliminates the need for settling pits. Our plate press makes easy work out of the slurry, producing a solid cake and clean water for reuse. We can provide concrete truck wash out presses in 400mm-1500mm in any a plate stack from 3-200.  

Stone Fabrication

Our stone cutting plate presses come in small sizes for even the smallest cutting operation. They are a cost effective option for clean water recovery.